Columbus Community Hospital

CHIP for health care providers

Columbus Community Hospital would like to partner with you and your patients to improve the overall health of our community. With that in mind, we are offering the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to you and your patients.

The program is available to any patient interested in improving their overall health.

CCH has nine CHIP instructors available to facilitate classes who are eager to work with you to improve patient health. The instructors will refer participants back to their health care providers concerning any changes in their medical status. We see this program as a collaboration between CCH and health care providers that benefits your patients’ health.

We also encourage you to take the CHIP class yourself. We have had several medically trained participants who have completed the program, and their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Here is what one health care provider has to say about CHIP: "Here's the deal: Taking the CHIPs course is a life-changing experience." - Dr. Michael McGuire 

Contact us

For more information on the program, visit the main Pivio/CHIP page of our website.

Ileana Jarecki, wellness manager
Occupational Health Services 
Phone: 402-562-4490