Columbus Community Hospital

Pulmonary Rehab Program

CCH’s Pulmonary Rehab Program is an outpatient, supervised pulmonary conditioning program, designed to help you achieve optimal health. If you have trouble breathing because of a chronic lung disease, such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis or asthma, this program is for you.

When you participate in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, you will receive supervision from a registered respiratory therapist and registered nurse who are certified in advanced cardiac life support. You will also work with pharmacists and dietitians.

What happens in pulmonary rehab?

You will exercise in hour-long sessions that take place between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, under the supervision of the cardiopulmonary rehab medical director.

The exercises and education in the Pulmonary Rehab Program are tailored to your abilities, needs and limitations.

In addition to exercises, you also undergo a walk test, attend educational classes and have the opportunity to consult with specialists in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, social services, diabetes education, pharmacy and smoking cessation, as needed.

The next step for lung health

After you complete this phase of the program, you can continue working with cardiopulmonary rehabilitation staff through the Medical Wellness Program, or you can participate in a home exercise program.

For more information about the Pulmonary Rehab Program, call 402-562-3344.

Contact us 

Columbus Community Hospital
4600 38th St.
Columbus, Nebraska 68602-1800