Columbus Community Hospital

PCLC Walking Routes

Walking can offer numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. It also may help prevent certain diseases and even prolong a person's life. With summer quickly approaching, Columbus Community Hospital and the Platte County Lifestyle Coalition want to remind the community about local walking routes.

In 2021, the coalition introduced two new walking routes to Columbus with support from America Walks, which works to promote safe places to walk.

Both routes are free and available to the public.

The north walking route begins at 18th Street and 32nd Avenue and is approximately two miles. It's north of the railroad tracks and goes right through the downtown area and to the Senior Resource Center on 18th Street.

North Walking Route

North walking route map

Pawnee Park is home to the south walking route, and walkers can access the trail on the east or west side of the park. It's approximately two miles and runs along the bike trail in Pawnee Park.

South Walking Route

The PCLC south walking route has been moved. Because of safety concerns over the condition of some of the sidewalks along 9th Street and 11th Street, the route has been relocated to the Pawnee Park Trail. As you enjoy your walk or bike ride, please take note of the signs along the route that encourage you to practice five pillars of good health: Eat Well, Move More, Stress Less, Love More and Sleep Well. Our vision is to see people engaged in thriving lifestyles. Enjoy the new route, and thrive on!

Contact us

For more information, contact Gene Vis, coordinator of the PCLC and CHIP facilitator at 402-562-4686.

Occupational Health Services
3005 19th St., Ste. 300
Columbus, NE 68601