Columbus Community Hospital

2012 CHIP Implementation Plan

CCH will work hand in hand with the East Central District Health Department and other health- and business-related agencies to address these needs of our communities. It will support the identified needs of family support, substance abuse and mental health, as requested by other participants of the CHNA that have agreed to take the lead in these areas in which they already have programs in place and related expertise.

Additionally, CCH agrees to take the lead in addressing the identified needs of access to health care and obesity by conducting the activities described below.

Access to health care – Improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services. CCH will take the lead exploring and/or implementing the following:

  • Objective: Reduce the death rate from cancer of the uterine/cervix.
    • Action step: Explore ways to provide a free PAP smear screening event at CCH. Collaborate with the University of Nebraska Medical Center on cancer management.
  • Objective: Reduce the female breast cancer death rate.
    • Action step: Research funding options to increase the number of uninsured/underinsured women’s access to mammography. An application was submitted on Dec. 13, 2012, for a Susan G. Komen Grant of $9,000.
  • Objective: To reduce one of the barriers to care, look at the feasibility of creating volunteer transportation program for patients.
    • Action step: Explore programs operated by volunteers.
  • Objective: Explore other disease health screening opportunities to increase access to health care and develop a plan to address early screening.
    • Action step: CCH will take the lead for Tune Up for Life Health Fair and explore options for more screenings.
  • Objective: Facilitate communication opportunities between providers and patients to increase access to care.
    • Action step: Provide and support Nurse Triage Line to area local providers for a small fee.
  • Objective: Implement a home monitoring program for patients receiving home health services.
    • Action step: Ensure home health tele-monitoring systems are being utilized by patients.
  • Objective: Provide community screening and an information day regarding diabetes.
    • Action step: CCH will be the lead for Diabetes Awareness Day scheduled yearly in October.
  • Objective: Explore forming a geriatric assessment team to complete patient testing and evaluation for patients.
    • Action Step: Collaboration with Pender Hospital and Columbus Family Practice.

Family support – To improve the stability, health and well-being of women, infants, children and families through the effective use of community resources. The Child Well-Being Work Group will take the lead in exploring and/or implementing the objectives and actions steps.

Obesity – Promote healthy weight and reduce chronic disease risk. Columbus Community Hospital’s dedication to helping create a healthier community is seen in the hospital’s commitment to building a new health and wellness center. The center will not only provide increased access to exercise and fitness opportunities, but also to registered dietitians who, through classes and individual consultations, can address lifestyle changes that can help decrease health issues associated with obesity and chronic diseases.

CCH will also take the lead exploring and/or implementing the following:

  • Objective: Reduce the number of adults who are considered obese.
    • Action step: Include the Chamber of Commerce and meet with local HR personnel monthly to develop a worksite wellness plan that is user-friendly and can be packaged and ready for business use.
  • Objective: Grow the Platte County CHIP Obesity Prevention Coalition and gather resources for public distribution.
    • Action steps: Have coalition members invite other community agencies and individuals to join. Gather list of available resources for physical activity and nutrition and distribute to area businesses. Regularly publish articles in newspaper and on website.

Substance abuse – Reduce substance abuse to protect the health, safety and quality of life for all, especially children in grades 6-12. The ECDHD, Columbus Police Department and Platte County Sheriff’s Department will take the lead in exploring and/or implementing the objectives and action steps. CCH will provide advice and support as requested.

Mental health – Improve mental health through prevention and by ensuring access to appropriate, quality mental health services. The Platte County Mental Health CHIP Group will take the lead in exploring and/or implementing the objectives and actions steps. CCH will provide advice and support as requested.

Implementation strategy approval – By resolution of the CCH board of directors at a meeting held Nov. 12, 2012, this implementation strategy was approved by the board members, and directed to be posted on CCH’s website and attached to its Form 990.